Borer Explorer v1.0.1

The sequence

Try changing the sequence to any values from 0 to 31. You'll see the program still works.

The origin

This example shows how having an origin function in the codex gives a line about the center.
codex.push (
  function origin( borer ) {
    borer.index = borer.origin;
This is because function calls tend to be concentrated on where the borer travels to, and if it is consistantly travelling back to the origin ( here the center ), our intensities will topple up there the most.

I'll demonstrate later how we can use that line to open up a better visual of what's happening near the center, and use it to progress our program.

The curve

Curves play a huge role in our lives and in computer graphics, and they are one of the most difficult things to recreate. You will notice our program creates it's own curves, an interaction with the Math.random() function we used to create our image.

Curiosity as gravity

The origin holds curiosity for us all. As the program progresses I will explain how curiosity for the origin in bio-programming can explain gravity in some data and simulation theories and how we can use such curiosity to program entities that themselves are curious about their origin. Just as our program gravitates to the center line, what we create holds a bond with it's creation and creation date.